Thursday, December 13, 2007

Follow Up Appoinment One Week After 1st Infusion

My follow-up appoinment was scheduled for today. I had blood drawn and met with my doctors. As has become the custom, I got weighed and my temperature and blood pressure were taken. Then my doctors and I discussed my blood work and my experience with the first infusion. They were happy to hear that I experienced no nausea and said that my first experience was a good indicator of how future treatments would go. I was told that fatigue was the one symptom that might build up over the course of the treatments but even that was usually temporary.

I was told that my blood work was strong but I noticed drops in categories across the board.

One symptom I have experienced is constipation. When you're used to having no problem in this department it's a real drag when you can't go. I'm now taking Senna and Colace and it's starting to get better. I'm definitely going to try to keep on top of this. I'd recommend asking about medication and taking it at the first sign of trouble.
I'd rate my mood as an 8 out of 10.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Love the stats. Always good to have #'s.