Saturday, June 7, 2008


I got the results from my PET CT scan and they were "shocking" in the words of one of my oncologists. The scan showed uptake in 4 different parts of my body: armpit, esophagous, and two sides of my groin. Both of my oncologists and my ENT doctor believe the scan shows a false positive for the following reasons:

1. Nothing showed up in the original site of the cancer, my adenoids. If it were going to show up elsewhere it should also show up here. Had I undergone treatment with radiation it would be possible for it to be gone here but show up elsewhere. I never had raditation treatments.

2. Lymphoma spreads to nearby nodes and progresses toward the spleen. This scan shows uptake in disparate parts of my body.

3. I feel fine and show no symptoms of lymphoma.

I'll need to redo the test on July 1st and I will undergo a biopsy of the tissue surrounding where my adenoids were next Thursday. If the adenoid tissue comes up clean, the rest of me should be OK too. I'm doing my best to stay positive and act like this test never happened.


Ventana said...

Jamie, Jamie. We are staying closely tuned in through your Dad and John, hearing Janet's thoughts. We are hanging in there with you Jamie, expecting this to get straightened out, and more encouraging results to show up soon. I am sure it's hard not to get a glowingly clean report after all you have been through. No doubt we are dealing with one more medical system complication. Think good thoughts, and have a restful weekend if you can, dear cousin. We love you. -- Ventana

Beth and Dave Knürdmann said...

When they suspect a false positive, don't you wish they'd just make up something like "giant flood in the reading room---all tests ruined" instead of causing the understandable -but-most-likely-needless worry? for another three weeks?!? Geez, doc, ain't you ever been a patient?!? I'll be thinking of you these weeks, my friend. ---Beth

Lauren said...

I wish you didn't have to wait soooo long to find out. We are praying for you, and hoping to hear some good news. The Smith Family

Unknown said...

Hi Jamie,

I too was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma in December 07. I went through my 4 cycles of ABVD, which ended on April 18th. I had a PET scan on May 5th and my results too showed a new area of uptake that wasn't in my original scan! I had a biopsy and, thankfully, it showed no signs of malignancy. The month I spent waiting for the biopsy and then the pathology report were awful, so I know what you're going through. Hang in there and know that there are other who know exactly what you're going through.

Best wishes and god bless,

Humberto Benavides said...

Jamie, stay strong, I'm on the same path. I have been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma on Jan 3, 2008 and have been on Chemo (ABVD) since Feb 1, 2008. After the 8th session (4th Cycle) I had a PET Scan with false positive results, it showed up so many activity in the bone marrow, as well as testicles, but no activity in the mediastinal area where the original malignacy was, so I'm thinking the PET Scans are no so precise as doctors believe. My Hematologist told me that the increased activity in the testicles area may be a physhiological change or reaction, as well as the increased activity in the bone marrow, doctor said that after chemo is normal that the bone marrow increases it's activity because is recovering and producing a lot of cells. Actually I'm on the 10th session (5th Cycle) of Chemo, and need to complete 2 more sessions (1 cycle more), then my doctor will order another PET Scan, a testicle sonogram, and a Torax simple X-ray to see if I'm out. Hopefully I'll be out of this, I got a lot of Faith in Jesus Christ my Lord, and I'll pray for you to him too. GOD Bless you Jamie !