Friday, June 20, 2008

Drumroll Please...

I had my adenoid tissue biopisied a week ago on Thursday and I got the results back today. The tissue was benign. Yay!!! It's a big relief and suggests that I am in remission. I'll still get the rest of my body scanned in July.

The biopsy itself went very smoothly. The recovery was fast and I didn't have any bleeding. The nurses were amazed I was up and talking so soon after surgery. The people at Mass Eye and Ear were great and as hard as this is to believe, they even made a good plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I got the results from my PET CT scan and they were "shocking" in the words of one of my oncologists. The scan showed uptake in 4 different parts of my body: armpit, esophagous, and two sides of my groin. Both of my oncologists and my ENT doctor believe the scan shows a false positive for the following reasons:

1. Nothing showed up in the original site of the cancer, my adenoids. If it were going to show up elsewhere it should also show up here. Had I undergone treatment with radiation it would be possible for it to be gone here but show up elsewhere. I never had raditation treatments.

2. Lymphoma spreads to nearby nodes and progresses toward the spleen. This scan shows uptake in disparate parts of my body.

3. I feel fine and show no symptoms of lymphoma.

I'll need to redo the test on July 1st and I will undergo a biopsy of the tissue surrounding where my adenoids were next Thursday. If the adenoid tissue comes up clean, the rest of me should be OK too. I'm doing my best to stay positive and act like this test never happened.